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Kotlin had everything that developers couldn’t find in Java or any of its alternatives like, JRuby or Groovy. Added to that, Kotlin came with extensive compatibility with Android Studio in which IntelliJ IDEA, JetBrains’ own Java IDE serve as the backbone. Gained a lot of traction in android development, but can also be used in backend projects like Spring 5. Kotlin application development is faster to compile and prevents apps from increasing size. This programming language can be used for any type of development, be it – server-side, client-side, or web. It’s described as a general-purpose language and seen explosive growth in Android development since Google announced it has an official language of Android development.

Why use Kotlin instead of Java

Kotlin is an open-source programming language that’s often pitched as a Java replacement; it’s also a “first-class” language for Android development, according to Google. Kotlin, on the other hand, is streamlined, with some great features, and comes with a solid library. Due to this, it seems that kotlin is replacing java in 2022. Java has been around for quite some time and has a vast community and a plethora of libraries.

Overview of Kotlin and Java

Since Kotlin became Google’s preferred language for Android development, I’ve found extension functions and explicit nullability to be the most useful features. On the other hand, when using Kotlin, the Java features that I miss the most are the protected keyword and the ternary operator. Kotlin was originated in 2010 at JetBrains and has been open source since the year 2012.

Why use Kotlin instead of Java

When transferring data from one place to another with Java, it’s common to use a plain old java object . Usually, this is an object with some properties and accessor methods. We’ll see how Kotlin app development evolves in general, but in the world of Android, Kotlin has become № 1. After reading this article ask yourself “Should i use Kotlin or Java for Android app development? The Kotlin code is written faster due to its developer-friendly structures and more elegant syntax.

Kotlin vs Java: What is the best language for Android app developers

Meanwhile, Kotlin’s less verbose coding decreases the time taken to code and enhances the readability while also reducing the chances for any errors or bugs. Writing lesser code means developers can reduce the number of boilerplate codes while improving their productivity and avoiding tediousness. Being more concise than Java, Kotlin edges it out when it comes to ease of coding. It takes a redefined approach to programming to untangle several complicated workflows that developers face when using Java.


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Some clients ask us to use existing Java algorithms, features, and plugins for their projects. At the same time, they want the code to be written on Kotlin but have no budget for re-building Java functionality. Object-oriented and class-based, Java stood its ground even when the development space became saturated with a plethora of new languages. However, with time, programming languages do get phased out once newer and better platforms take over. You can extend the functionality of an existing class, but the process is time-consuming. You’ll need to inherit the functions from the parent class into the newly-created class.

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On the other hand, converting Java to Kotlin in Android Studio is a simple matter of pasting the Java code into a Kotlin file. In 2022, six years after Kotlin 1.0, I’m not sure this documentation or example barrier still exists in any significant way. To avoid the verbose grammar normally needed for null testing, Kotlin introduces a safe call, written ? You can use a non-nullable type with impunity, but you have to test a nullable type for null values before using it. If you need to allow nulls, for example to hold SQL query results, you can declare a nullable type by appending a question mark to the type, e.g. Have a look at the function declaration near the top of both panes.

Why use Kotlin instead of Java

While Java has been the go-to language for Android development for a long time, Kotlin is a more modern option that is becoming increasingly popular. For some, Kotlin became a new Android language used in mobile development to write Android apps, compile code, as well as for replacing other programming languages. We may see a continued trend towards multiplatform development and functional programming concepts soon. This could lead to increased use of Kotlin and other languages that support these trends.

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If we add more properties to the class, we would have to update the constructor as well. As you can see from the example, everything in Kotlin is quite simple and basic. A developer starts long-running, parallel operations, waits for them to finish, and then returns results. Then we fetch data on the background thread (using withContext to switch threads). After all, we proceeded with the result of repository.fetchUserPurchases( being saved to purchases.

  • Comparing a Java class with an equivalent Kotlin class demonstrates the conciseness of Kotlin code.
  • Kotlin developers are also not required to go through the often frustrating and time-consuming process of catching or declaring exceptions, while Java coders do.
  • I use both Java and Kotlin code in the same project thanks to extended support and adaptation tools from Android Studio.
  • Function Types — In Kotlin, a lambda expression or an anonymous function can access the variables declared in the outer scope.
  • This is a fact that isn’t going to be replaced in the near future.

At this point you may be wondering how Kotlin handles the results of Java interoperability calls, given the differences in null handling and checked exceptions. Kotlin silently and reliably infers what is called a “platform type” that behaves exactly like a Java type, meaning that is nullable but can generate null-pointer exceptions. Kotlin may also inject an assertion into the code at compile time to avoid triggering an kotlin developer actual null pointer exception. There’s no explicit language notation for a platform type, but in the event Kotlin has to report a platform type, such as in an error message, it appends ! Allowing top-level functions is just the beginning of the functional programming story for Kotlin. The language also supports higher-order functions, anonymous functions, lambdas, inline functions, closures, tail recursion, and generics.

String templates in Kotlin

Kotlin has a more concise syntax than Java, which means that it requires less code to perform the same operations. According to data from Google Trends, Java peaks the interest of developers more than Kotlin. Although Java has experienced several ups and downs, the popularity of the language stays ahead of Kotlin by a long shot. One major strength of Kotlin compared to Java is the use of the extension function, which allows a programmer to add additional functionality to a class.

Why use Kotlin instead of Java

One of the prime examples of companies that embraced Kotlin in their backend is Faire. The velocity of Kotlin features made developing their web application an exciting and preferable option. Other e-commerce platforms are Alibaba, South Korean Coupang, and a giant – Wayfair. Kotlin is also a popular choice for developing microservices, as well as data science applications. The language is commonly used for developing Android apps too.


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